Jazz and Blues Wedding

Jazz and Blues wedding bands are quite common in Sydney. Some couples just want to keep things fairly low-key and a Jazz and Blues wedding band can bring this feel really nicely. It’s quite common for a wedding band to play some jazz during the canapés and the dinners sets. This is a time when it’s important for the guests not to be overpowered by a loud wedding band. Rather, the wedding band should be playing at a volume that sits nicely underneath that of the conversations of the guests. It can be a tricky balancing act to get this volume right. Obviously, those guests who are positioned closest to the wedding band will get the brunt of the volume. The trick is to keep an eye on these guests and make sure that they are not leaning into each other when they are trying to converse. If this is the case then this is a clear indicator that the band is too loud and needs to play softer. After all, during the dinner sets, it’s really not about the band. We are there to keep the atmosphere alive and fill in the gaps. There are many wedding bands that are not sensitive to this fact and it can be extremely disruptive to the guests. This won’t help the band when it comes to the dance sets because those guest will have already become disgruntled with the wedding band. At a Jazz and Blues wedding the dance sets are not likely to be your typical upbeat RnB type of set. These types of couples like to keep the whole night a little more chilled.

If you want to find out more about how The BIG THANKS BAND can deliver the perfect repertoire for you tastes contact us here. We understand the importance and sensitivities required to deliver the right performance at a Sydney Wedding.


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